It’s no secret that I love creating digital products. They’ve been such a game-changer in my business allowing me to help my audiences at different stages without the physical drain that coaching can cause.

Thinking about creating a digital product?

Great, but first we need to talk.

While digital products are a nice addition to your offers and income streams, too many business owners are fumbling the bag before they ever sell a single one.

Why? Because they’re making easy and preventable mistakes.

So this week on Pimp Your Brilliance, I’m sharing 4 mistakes you’re making when creating your digital product.

The first mistake you’re making with your digital products is not defining your audience

This is such a common mistake it had to be first. If I were to ask you, “Who are you targeting? Who do you want to buy your stuff?”, you should have a specific type of person already in mind. If your initial thought is that your digital product could work for everyone, that’s way too broad and you’re going to struggle to sell it.

Defining your ideal audience is a critical first step in creating a profitable digital product. Once you define who your ideal audience is, you are able to create messaging, content, and products to draw them in. That happens after you have a clearly defined audience.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say your audience is moms. There’s a lot of moms so that seems like a winning audience. Wrong!

Moms as a group cover a range of experiences and circumstances. There’s first-time moms, moms of multiples, moms with elementary school-age kids, moms with college-age kids, and empty nesters. See?! There are many differences across the group of moms so there challenges may be different.

A simple way to narrow down your audience is to add qualifiers. Qualifiers let your audience know you are speaking directly to them by using a very specific description.

For example, saying your audience is overextended single mothers helps people know that they’re in the right place if they fit that description.

You’re trying to get to the core group of people who would really benefit from the product that you’ve created.

The second mistake you’re making with your digital products is not asking your audience for feedback

Fun fact, you don’t have to come up with all of the ideas that you create for your audience. You can ask your audience what they want to learn. What would really help them right now in their lives? It’s perfectly fine for you to get input from your audience.

As a matter of fact, one of the first things that I have members inside of the Brilliance Lounge do is survey their exsting audience. I have them send over a simple Google form asking specific questions like:

  • What are you struggling with right now?
  • If you could wave a magic wand and have a solution what would it be?
  • What’s stopping you from resolving this challenge on your own?

And yes, you are going to get varying answers, but as you get more responses, you start to notice patterns. Since you’ve already done the work of defining your audience, you’re talking to a group of people who have similarities. So if multiple members of your audience have a particular struggle, there’s a good chance most of them do too.

The goal of any product that you create, is to solve a problem for your customers or your ideal client. The easiest way to figure out what their problems are is to ask them. Then you figure out where your expertise aligns with the solution for them.

So if you have not done this already, or if it’s been at least six months, you need to send an audience survey.

Not building your email list

This is a mistake that a lot of business owners make even seasoned ones. The thought of having an email list and needing to send emails can be overwhelming. I get it, but that’s not enough of a reason to skip out on the one strategy that can boost your launch.

Email list building before launching your product is crucial to your launch’s success. This is for a number of reasons like, poor reach on social networks due to the algorithms, people seeing your product and getting distracted before making a purchase, and the list goes on. That’s why having the ability to show up in the inboxes of potential buyers is so important.

Taking the time to build your email list means you won’t be launching to crickets. Instead you have the email addresses of people who have opted in to hear about your latest offers.

The key is to start building your list as soon as you’ve decided to create a new digital product. You can put up a coming soon page and ask people to join the waitlist. An even better strategy is to create a lead magnet that is related to the such of your upcoming product.

The last mistake you’re making with your digital products is trying to go too big too soon

This is a product of the Internet and the rising stakes that are attached to being an online entrepreneur. Everyone wants to have a six figure launch and to do that, you need a $1,000 or $2,000 course. So it’s really easy to see why going big is such a tempting thing to do.

However, when you’re starting out or a newbie, you don’t need to be aiming that high. I actually find is that it’s a lot easier to start small and scale up because it’s really easy to get overwhelmed by doing ALL the things.

Which is why in the Brilliance Lounge, I teach members to create their MAP product (minimum awesome product). Your MAP product has just enough features to be usable my your first buyers while allowing you to get feedback and make improvements. The idea is that you don’t waste time time adding bells and whistles so that you’re able to launch your digital product quickly.

Trying to go big too soon. Is a recipe for failure. It’s one of the quickest ways to get frustrated and give up on using your digital products as a scaleable resource to grow your income. And it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you need help bypassing all of those newbie pitfalls, head over to for access to all the training, coaching calls, and community to help you create your digital product with confidence.

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4 Mistakes You're Making When Creating Your Digital Product