Did your Q1 plans go completely off the rails? Check out these 6 steps to rebound and get your goals back on track.

Sometimes despite our best intentions, things just do not go as planned. We start the year super motivated but end up sidetracked or completely abandoning our plans. So what do you do when that happens? You fix it, of course! This week, I’m sharing 6 steps to get your goals back on track after a rough quarter.


[7:24] – Why it’s important to acknowledge any failures or disappointments
[9:20] – Celebrate your accomplishments even if they are small
[10:16] – Taking time to review the goals you previously set
[12:00] – How to reconnect with your vision and get more clarity
[14:35] – The importance of finding your way around your roadblocks
[18:53] – Creating a new action plan to get back on track
[22:25] – Why having an accountability partner can be a game changer


Plan Your Productive Week Challenge – Learn my simple system for planning a productive week + a few hacks to help you follow through. The challenge starts April 15th. Register by visiting – keepchasingthestars.com/productive

Join Star Chasers United – A private membership for side hustlers and creative entrepreneurs who want to crush their goals with structured accountability and community support. starchasersunited.com