Ignite Your Speaking Career With Amber Wright

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If you dream of speaking at events but you’re too afraid to get started, this episode was made for you. I have my biz bestie Amber Wright back on the show today. Amber is a Communications Expert and highly sought after speaker. She is the perfect person to kick off my Fear Less Series by teaching you how to you ignite your speaking career.

In this episode, we’re sharing our individual speaking journeys, practical ways to get started speaking at the conference level and how you can put some action behind your dreams of becoming a speaker.


[5:33] – Amber and Mo’s first speaking opportunities
[10:12] – Why people are afraid of public speaking
[16:04] – Practical things a person can do to practice speaking in front of groups
[20:51] – Opportunities that have come from being a speaker
[30:49] – Best tips for someone who wants to speak at the conference level
[35:24] – Do your research because what you have to say matters!
[37:02] – Things you can put into action today to start speaking


Amber’s Speaking Course – gum.co/ignitecourse
Episode 17: Making The Transition And Finding Your Voice With Amber Wright


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