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Cue the confetti because today we are celebrating. It’s my pod-versary! I launched Pimp Your Brilliance a year ago on May 10th, 2017. It’s crazy that it has been a whole year already!

I feel very happy and accomplished because many podcasts fail before the one year mark. The workload gets to them or the enthusiasm fades. And if we’re being real, it’s not just podcasting. A lot of blogs don’t make it one year, many ideas don’t last a year and very few businesses make it past the one year mark. So this feels really good.

Today, I want to share 5 lessons that I’ve learned from my guests and talk about my plans for Pimp Your Brilliance heading into another year.

Here’s a look at my Year of podcasting by the numbers:

  • 41 episodes breaks down into
  • 21 guests, 19 minisodes, and 1 book club
  • Over 12k+ downloads
  • A 2 month hiatus
  • 1 show host that is excited to grow even further.


Just Start.

This advice was given over and over again by my guests and for good reason. You don’t know how great you can be without first putting yourself out there.

Find your tribe.

This can be your peers or community. Find people that will benefit from what you have to offer and connect with them.

You don’t have to have it all figured out.

They are still testing things, growing and learning as people and as creative entrepreneurs.

Invest in yourself.

Whether it’s a course, coaching, attending industry events, you can’t be afraid to put money into bettering yourself. You are your companies most valuable asset. You owe it to yourself to grow as much as possible.

“Following your passion” is NOT dead.

People are still creating their own opportunities based on something that they love. Examples of that from the show are Maureen Vazquez of Pipsticks (Ep 20), Anthony of Deli Fresh Threads (ep 5) and Twinkie Chan (ep 3).


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Loving the podcast? Want to connect with other brilliant creative entrepreneurs? I encourage you to use the hashtag #PimpYourBrilliance and show our PYB tribe what you’re up to. I’ll be reposting some of my favorite images and stories.