Routines support our goals and help us to accomplish more. Learn how to create a routine that works for you in 7-steps.

One issue that comes up quite often when I’m talking to other creatives is creating and maintaining a routine. Everyone recognizes the value of having a routine but they’re unsure how to create one that works for their lifestyle and sticks.

Over the past six months I’ve worked hard to follow a routine that helped me go from being a complete couch potato to working out several days a week. It has completely changed my life. In this minisode, I’m sharing the 7 steps you need to work through in order to create a routine that works for you.

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The difference between a routine and habit.

A routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed.

A habit is a is one or more of actions that are part of the routine

1. Start with one thing

The fastest way to fail when creating a new routine is trying to go from zero to 60. Pick one thing that you’d like to do consistently and build from there.

2. Have an end goal in mind

We create routines because we have something we need to accomplish. Write more blog posts. Get fit. Make more sales. Our routines are created to support our goals.

3. Figure out your initial schedule or how often you want to do the thing

Create a schedule and commit to it. Do not alter it for at least 30 days.

4. Set yourself up for success

Gather the tools and resources that you need to complete your routine. Try to automate things by eliminating decision making.

5. Get some accountability

Find someone to check in with and share your progress. Sometimes this is in a paid capacity. I.E. coaches, trainers, assistants.

6. Show up

The hardest thing about creating new routines is following through. No matter what get started even if it’s a slow start.

7. Scale up as things become easier

Once things start to feel routine, add on to it. This may take 30 or even 60 days.

Bonus Tip

Remain flexible. You are trying to make your routine stick. Make adjustments when necessary and don’t sweat the setbacks.


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