Don’t let the holiday slump catch you. If you own a creative business, start planning for the holidays and end of the year now. In this episode, I’m sharing 6 ways that you can finish the year strong.

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My grandma has this saying about September. She says, “If you let September catch you without a plan, then you might as well get ready to start saying “Happy New Year” in two weeks.”

I totally agree. Once September starts the holiday season rolls in and it’s a nonstop roller coaster ride until we hit New Year’s Day. Don’t let the holiday slump catch you.

If you own a creative business, it’s important that you get your second wind and finish the year strong. In this episode, I’m sharing 6 ways that you can end the year on a high note.

Update your schedule

Take a hard look at your ideal day, side hustle working hours, when you’re completing certain business tasks and make adjustments that will help you get into the flow of your day quicker.

Change Your Habits

What habits are you looking to change? Start with a small habit and build up.

Example: Start reading every night for 30 mins.

3 small steps that you can take are:

  • Choosing a reading start time and set a reminder on your phone for your reading time.
  • Leaving the book on your night table or a comfy space in your house.
  • Fixing a cup hot tea or showering to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and read.

Revisit your goals

What goals did you set this year? Are they still relevant? Do you still want to focus on completing those goals? Then ask yourself, “What can I realistically accomplish over the next 4 months?”.

Plan for the remainder of the year

Figure out when you’re going to do certain tasks. Give yourself tentative deadlines. Start putting these dates on the calendar along with reminders for 30 days out.

Create an end of the year action plan

Start breaking down your  goals into the actual steps and tasks that will help you accomplish them. Figure out the timeline for when you are going to do it things. How realistic does the timeline seem? Plug everything into your calendar or project manager and see how it feels.

Start Thinking Ahead to Next Year

It’s never too early to start planning for the year ahead. Set aside some time in late October or early November to start writing out plans for the next year. Trust me you want to do this before Thanksgiving hits because you won’t have time afterwards.



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