How To Know When It’s Time To Pivot In Your Creative Business
Is it time for you to pivot in your creative business? There comes a time in every creative business where things just don’t seem to be working as well as they used to. Maybe growth has stalled out or revenue is on the decline. Either way, you know something has to change. ? So what […]
Productivity For Busy Creatives With Lori Rochino
Lori Rochino stumbled upon podcasting two years ago and has been hooked since. She created Simply Designed Life Podcast for entrepreneurs who want to simplify their busy lives in order to make room for the things that matter. As a podcasting and productivity coach, Lori knows a thing or two about how to get stuff […]
3 Powerful Ways To Level Up Your Mindset
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your mindset? Mindset work is often overlooked but it’s important whether you’re running a creative business or just trying to achieve a goal. Your mindset and readiness to believe an outcome is possible for you directly affects the level of success you’ll experience. In […]
Spring Clean Your Life & Biz Live From Craftcation
Today’s episode of Pimp Your Brilliance is extra special because it was partially recorded during a podcasting workshop that I taught at Craftcation: Business + Makers Conference. I asked for volunteers from the audience to offer their best tips for Spring cleaning their lives and business. Thankfully, I had 7 brave ladies step up to […]